Grand jury
Since the competition was established in 2008, numerous personalities and experts have volunteered their time to select the best health communicators. Since the competition was launched in 2008, almost 50 judges have reviewed and evaluated over 5,000 applications, proposals and/or nominations.
Right of proposal
In principle, ambassadors, sponsors, award winners or supporters of the Health Media Award have a right of nomination. The selection process takes place digitally and in a selected circle of experts from the health and communications industry.
In order to ensure the greatest possible neutrality and independence of the volunteer jurors when selecting the award winners, it is planned that the applications received digitally will be made available to the jurors on demand with the help of a CRM system.
Elevator Pitch
In justified individual cases, the most promising candidates who can win a Health:Angel can be invited to a live public presentation (elevator pitch) or video conference in front of the honorary grand jury.
The Grand Jury is currently supported by the Team WESTWOOD and the Team SUIKAT organized. With the help of a volunteer team, the Health:Angel is organized nationally and internationally. Award winners presented.