Moderated by Antje Hamer and Tony Westwood, the best communicators in the healthcare industry were once again honored at the new GOP Variete Theater in Bonn on September 16, 2016. This time, the honorary Health:Angel went to the organization "Doctors without Borders".
The Health:Angel 2016 at a glance:
- Doctors Without Borders (Honorary Health:Angel 2016)
- goDentis
- Vita Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG
- W&H / Agency White & White / Jana Pallaske
- Shape Up
- German Pharmacists and Doctors Bank
- DAK Health / B2Run
- EU Commission
- Dortmund Hospital / Catholic Hospital Essen
- Pascoe pharmaceutical preparations GmbH
- Edelmann.ergo
- Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH / CircleComm GmbH
- Quadia Online Video
- wdv Society for Media and Communication
- Franz Kaldewei GmbH & Co. KG
- Derungs Light AG
- changePur GmbH
- Adriane Beck & Partner GmbH
- Zambon Ltd.
- Mangar International
- MeMedix GmbH
- FOM - School of Economics & Management
- Bemer International AG
- Central German Newspaper
- SAP Germany SE & Co. KG
- Jentschura International GmbH
- XotonicsMED GmbH
- Cyberdyne Care Robotics
- Playbrush Ltd.
- von Mannstein GmbH / AOK Hesse
- Vetproduction
- Klosterfrau Healthcare Group / DNMC GmbH ("The Men's Flu")
- University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) / acrobat.werbeagentur plus gmbh
- komm.passion GmbH
- DITG - German Institute for Telemedicine and Health Promotion
- Paracelsus Clinics Germany
- Amélie Venisse (Comedy Health:Angel)