Grand Jury President Tony Westwood has already been on tour in Asia for four weeks. There is no sign of spring in Europe. In the meantime, he and his wife are in the Java Sea, on Bali. Here is his second travel report:
"My wife and I survived a grueling midnight trip from Manila: we flew just under 4 hours to Den Pasar and then drove a good two hours to our first Bali address: Candi Dasa. After "making do" in the Philippines, it's a shock to endure the luxury here. A bath in the open air ... ! We still have about 10 days until Moritz Westwood & Co. arrive from Munich. The water here is about the same temperature as the air, unless you swim out a bit, which I do. Take care of yourselves in Germany. Keep the fire burning at home. I still manage to do a little coaching from the road. Here's a picture update from the Philippines. I miss the music and cooking, oddly enough. Finished my Filipino book. Here are a few more impressions from the road."
Tony Westwood, Jury President