Award for communication with human tension arcs and effective help
It's not easy to get noticed with a TV commercial. But that's exactly what the pharmaceutical manufacturer MEDICE Pharmaceuticals Pütter GmbH & Co. KG with the commercials for its Meditonsin drops. The spots show interpersonal tensions in a supermarket or a café and praise the drops as an effective aid to strengthen the body's defenses and self-healing powers. For the successful concept and implementation, the Meditonsin spots are awarded the Health:Angel for outstanding health communication in the category of "Classic Advertising (POS)" excellent. The two commercials depict concerns about one's own health as well as the interpersonal "tensions" resulting from the situation. The protagonists feel the urge to sneeze at the checkout in the supermarket or in the café and thus unsettle those around them. Especially in times of coronavirus, which can be seen in the supermarket commercial through the masks worn by all the actors, there is a significantly heightened sensitivity to the risk of infection in society. Concerns about getting sick yourself or being infected by others are therefore more present than ever and therefore a well-chosen topic for the commercial, in which Meditonsin is offered as a simple and effective solution.
"For us it was very important that, especially in this day and age, the spots have to be charming and serious. Many people will be able to identify with the scenes and say, that's just how it is, just don't sneeze or cough like in real life.", so Ahmet Aker, Group Product Manager Cold from MEDICE.
Fabian Beger, Business Unit Manager OTC/OTX Marketing of MEDICE, supplemented:
"We wanted to produce attention-grabbing spots that were very close to reality, coupled with humor and charming in-betweenness."
The Health:Angel has been awarded for outstanding health communication for many years. It consists of a sculpture by the Italian artist Massimo Bramandi.
In recent years, the award has gone to companies, initiatives and agencies in the healthcare and communications industry such as. "Unforgettable - Our choir for people with dementia". (TOWER PRODUCTION/ZDF/Anette Frier), CNS - Hannelore Kohl Foundation for Accident Victims with Damage to the Central Nervous System, TATORT doctor Joe Bausch ("KNAST"), Doctors without borders, 1LIVE/WDR (digital concept "KRONE 2020"), Frank Zander (Social commitment) and to Burkhard Mohr (cartoons as a contribution to health communication).
The handover of the Health:Angel to the makers of the Meditonsin commercials has not yet been agreed.